
Famous Celebrities You Never Knew That Enjoy Model Trains and Railroading

What has Johnny Cash, Winston Churchill, Eric Clapton, Phil Collins, Roger Daltrey, Joe DiMaggio, Rick Green, Gene Hackman, Tom Hanks, David Hasselhoff, Elton John, Michael Jordan, Frank Sinatra, Bruce Springsteen, Rod Stewart, Neil Young and Gary Coleman in common?

All these celebrities love watching miniature trains running around miniature mountains, rivers and towns.

In short, they are all train model addicts.

Johnny Cash, the American singer and songwriter, made TV commercials and endorsements for Lionel Trains in the 1970s.

Neil Young is part owner of Lionel trains.

Rod Stewart, in between getting into blondes and who know what else, spent considerable time and money on building train models. In fact, Rod's impressive replica of New York's Grand Central Station, complete with 100ft of tract, buildings and figures in 1940s period dress, graced the cover of Model Railroader in October 2007. An honor Rod claims to mean more than 'being on the cover of Rolling Stones."


The late Gary Coleman is another afficionado of train models. In an online interview with ABC News, he said, "Currently I'm doing Lionel trains. I'm doing them as prototypically as possible, even though they are toy trains. I still like to do it as realistically as possible."

Gary Coleman also allegedly left his complete train collection to Allied Model Trains, The Original Whistle Stop and The Train Shack in L.A. So if you are a train modeller, you know you are in great company. You can even get Frank Sinatra's train layouts on DVD.

So what is the appeal of these toy trains?

First of all, they are not toys. Enthusiasts will tell you they are works of art. They are scaled down versions of the real thing. They operate like the real one. There is a sheer number of skills you need to master a working layout. You are a jack of all trades: a semi-competent carpenter, electrician, metalworker, painter, sculptor and designer all rolled into one.
There is also the joy of escapism. You can forget the business of living for hours on end while you pore over the plan for a perfect world, all of your own making.

And it's never complete. You just keep scouring for more things to add to your model to make it perfect. Adding a mountain here, a pond there, more tracks. The list is endless. It can take you years. Then, of course, there's the ultimate thrill of seeing your trains going round the track.

No wonder so many celebrities are hooked on model trains!

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Even Celebrities Like Liz Mikel Need Identity Theft Protection

Did you think Identity Theft Protection is unnecessary? Well you might want to think again. Dallas based actress Liz Mikel just found out the hard way that someone had stolen her identity and been having a field day. She stars in the NBC show "Friday Night Lights", found out that identity thieves had went on-line and opened accounts in her name.

Mikel said that she went to the mail and to her surprise there was a notice from Capital One that there was a problem with an account she did not have. After a phone call to the company she had learned that someone had been opening accounts in her name since early March.

What you need to know
Identity theft affects 9 million people every year, and is currently growing in epidemic proportions according to the FTC. Identity theft starts with the theft of your social security number, your credit cards, and financial information. For Identity thieves this information is like gold.

Here is a variety of methods identity thieves may get a hold of your personal information:

1. Pretexting- The use of false pretenses to obtain your personal information from financial institutions, telephone companies, and other resources with your information.

2. Phising ' They pretend to be financial institutions by send you e-mail or pop ups hoping you will reveal your personal information.

3. Old-Fashion Stealing- They steal wallets, credit cards, mail credit card offers, purses, financial statements, and new checks that come in the mail. They steal personal records and bribe employees who have access to your records.

4. Changing your address ' They divert your mail by putting a change of address request in to the post office.

5. Skimming ' They steal credit card and debit numbers by using a special storage device when swiping your cards.

6. Dumpster Diving ' They go through dumpsters looking for mail that was not shredded with your personal information.

Examples of what identity thieves do once they have your information.

Bank / Finance Fraud

- They create counterfeit checks using your name and account number

- Open bank accounts in your name and write bad check

- They may clone your credit or ATM card and electronically drain all your accounts.

Credit Card Fraud

- They may open credit cards in your name. When they will charge these cards up, and not pay the bill. As a result it appears on your credit report.

- They may change the address on your credit cards so that you no longer receive the bill, and run up charges on your credit cards. It may be sometime before you realize there is a problem.

Government Document Fraud

- They may file fraudulent tax returns in you name

- They may use your name and social security number to get government benefits

- They may get a drivers license or id picture with your name but with their picture.

About the Author: Mike Clover is the owner of is the one of the most unique on-line resources for free credit score report, fico score, Internet identity theft software, secure credit cards, and a BlOG with a wealth of personal credit information. The information within this website is written by professionals that know about credit, and what determines ones credit worthiness.

Celebrities Make Tooth Whitening Famous

Whitening your teeth is not a new concept and it is something that has been used throughout the ages, particularly by the upper class. While original formulas included things like nitric acid, pumice and human urine among other ingredients, teeth whiting products these days are far more benign, yet still effective.
For celebrities, tooth whitening is part of their preparation for their job. While some go so far as to have cosmetic surgery to improve their faces, it´s far more common to hear about celebrities getting their teeth whitened.

There are a large number of treatments available for teeth whitening. You can buy over the counter products like strips or paint on type whiteners. These are all regulated, though, and tend not to be nearly as effective as those used by the dentists. Which is why you´ll never hear about celebrities doing those home kits.

When you are rich and famous, only the best tooth whitening techniques will do and most celebrities opt for the more expensive options, which usually means near-instant, as well. High end tooth whitening techniques like laser whitening are the most popular among the stars who have money. These treatments may be a little out of reach for the average person on the street, but that´s why dentists offer other options, often somewhat less effective, though easier on the wallet.

Why Celebrities Need Tooth Whitening

When it´s your job to look hot onscreen, you need to have a dazzling smile. For celebrities, no matter what point they are at in their career, their teeth are a very important part of whether or not they get a job.

Many celebrities also drink coffee and smoke, both of which are quite bad for your teeth. They tend to stain the teeth and this is often only reversible with some fairly heavy duty tooth whitening. Unfortunately, these stain issues aren´t limited to celebs and even ordinary people will find that their teeth tend to yellow with time and their diet. The majority of people don´t have to beat out other shining smiles to get a job, though, which is why tooth whitening has become so very popular among the rich and famous.

It´s hard work being famous and celebs these days have stiff competition. They have to stay in shape and look great and a huge part of that is having a perfect smile. Tooth whitening has become a bit of a status symbol as well.

The Downside to Celebrity Tooth Whitening

Some celebrities, have gone above and beyond and come out with teeth that are almost too white. Dentists agree that pure white teeth are not a good idea, unless you want your teeth to dominate the face. Instead, the goal should be to lighten teeth to the same shade as the whites of the eyes for more natural look. However, this is often too dark for many people´s tastes.

Since tooth whitening can actually weaken the tooth enamel, particularly if the stains are very bad, many celebrities end up with weaker teeth as a result. Many stars opt to have their teeth whitened on a regular basis, rather than change their eating and drinking habits. These repeated whitenings can actually have a bad effect on their teeth and if they aren´t careful, celebrities wishing for that perfect smile could end up needing veneers to cover the damage done by too many harsh bleaching.

Celebrities and tooth whitening go hand in hand. With the need to look great onscreen, Hollywood stars will probably be using tooth whitening techniques for generations to come.

Dentist London Ontario is the practice of Dr. Bruce Fletcher, who specializes as a general practitioner of dentistry and cosmetic dentistry London in the province of Ontario.

Dolce and Gabbana Watch - Choice of Celebrities Due Its Unique Style Quotient

People who are in the age groups of twenty or thirty often want to possess a Dolce and Gabbana watch as it provides them an amazing combination of mature sophistication and youthful adventurousness. Many models are often found that have an extra-large casing and come in bright resplendent colors. The styles are often noticed to have been inspired by musical themes and different materials are used as wristbands or bracelets. Straps made from genuine leather, stainless steel as well as resins, are all used as materials conveniently according to the personal preferences of the users. Style is of utmost importance when one thinks of procuring the coveted Dolce and Gabbana watch.

Other attractions of this watch are colored mineral crystals, buckles made of stainless steel, calendars, and advanced second hands. The collection of timepieces from the house of Dolce and Gabbana watch consists of models that can fit with any ambience, personality or situation. If this watch is worn with the right outfit, and more importantly the appropriate person, then sheer magic is created. There is that iota of unconventional mysticism along with a captivating adventurous spirit that can get portrayed very effectively by wearing this watch. D & G had been a reputed fashion house producing a comprehensive assortment of luxury items and the watches make the collection even more complete.

Watches are, in fact, superb choices as accessories and can be conveniently presented to people as gift items on various occasions. For men, watches assume even greater significance and they can use a Dolce and Gabbana watch very efficiently to reflect their style and personality. Any outfit can be aptly complemented with a D & G watch and the personality gets a new dimension after this watch is worn. The wearers of these watches naturally generate a lot of curiosity and provoke interest wherever they go. These watches can hardly be claimed to be traditional in their appearance. Instead they portray a youthful and lively attitude and are upscale in their outlook. Both the aspects of functionality and fun are important in any product and a Dolce and Gabbana watch fits that bill perfectly.

A sophisticated chronograph might not be found in a D & G watch, but it is more than compensated by the style and panache that is exuded. Actually these traits are important for a fashion accessory and a D & G understands that better than anyone else. The people who are behind the original concept and creation of D&G are Mr. Domenico Dolce and Mr. Stefano Gabbana from whom the company derives its name. An Italian style is always kept in an understated manner and further innovations and interpretations are incorporated behind the manufacture of each and every Dolce and Gabbana watch. The clientele list is also striking with celebrities like Angelina Jolie, Isabella Rossellini, and Madonna being the world famous customers.

The notable styles present in Dolce and Gabbana watch are Nikki, Estelle, Highlander, Rugby, Promenade, etc. All of these have their own characteristic attributes and choices are available in plenty to choose one that matches your personality perfectly.

Do you wish to buy a Dolce and Gabbana Watch at a good discounted price? If yes, then look no more and pay a visit to, where customers are getting offered with up to 50% off. Rush now as you can't risk to miss such deals.

Celebrities Are Bullied Too!

Another week and another Google Alert. I opened one recently that talked about celebrities who were bullied growing up. Also, saw information on the recent book written by Miley Cyrus entitled Miles to Go where bullies locked her in a bathroom for over an hour and she thought nobody would ever come and save her. Jessica Simpson mentioned having eggs thrown at her house and toilet papered. Others like Tom Cruise and Taylor Swift also shared memories of being at the hands of these little criminals in training during childhood. Fame has entered their lives and sadly, I do not believe any bullying has stopped. Its grown worse if you ask me.

The lives of celebrities are under a microscope. The public cannot get enough of them. Fans sometimes do not know when to leave them alone. Society has taught us to worship these people and as a result, we expect them to always be nice, giving and live up to the pedestals we put them on. If they have a bad day, forget to sign an autograph or walk out of the house with a shirt that does not settle with fans or others, they are sure to see it plastered all over the internet and be one of the top searches in a search engine. I live in Los Angeles and I have seen the paparazzi chase these people with cameras and cars. There is no privacy in their lives and that life, liberty and pursuit of happiness goes out the window. The public believes that since they are who they are, they must share every aspect of their lives with the rest of us. In other words, we expect them to live as they do because of who they are.

I have to just say it and that is celebrities live their lives being bullied. They are stalked, harassed, slandered, pressured by their peers and are expected to live perfect lives. One step over the line and they are crucified. They have no rights and cannot even throw out the trash without people going through it. Society feels that not only are they expected to be perfect but when they do fail or something bad happens, everyone cannot wait to get their hands on the magazines, tabloids and other fodder. If you ask me, it's a wonder they can keep their sanity as living under a microscope can be really hard. Sure, they have money but is it really worth all of this? Humans are not wired to exist like this and no wonder many spiral out of control.

Celebrities are people like the rest of us. It just happens that their work is in the public eye whether it be television or radio. In a lot of ways they are like the rest of us. Some have families to support with children to raise. Others use that money to pay the high taxes they accumulate. Some are not even asked to be celebrities as they are born into this lifestyle. Most importantly, they are not superhuman and are fallible like the rest of us. Celebrity Worship Syndrome is a serious problem and we need to stop bullying them and allow them to live that life, liberty and pursuit of happiness like the rest of us. Put yourselves in their shoes for a minute. How would you feel if you had to leave your home incognito everyday? Getting daily threats in the mail and having to protect your children from kidnapping possibilities? Watch everything you do in public or always running away from paparazzi? You could not even drive to Burger King for a Whopper without someone finding out! Have your friends sell you out for money or you get blackmailed? Something to certainly think about in all of this. Is it really necessary? Can't we just let them live and let live?

Resource Cited:
Elizabeth Bennett is the author of Peer Abuse Know More! Bullying From A Psychological Perspective and resides in Los Angeles, California. To learn more, visit

How Celebrities Deal With Cellulite

Women wince when they hear the word cellulite. Celebrities, in particular, are ridiculed and criticized for having cellulite. Paparazzi love taking pictures of celebrities with cottage cheese thighs. Maybe this is because the rest of us ordinary people love to see celebrities have the same predicament we have. In fact, 90% of women actually have cellulite, so there is really no reason to get all fussy over cellulite; all of us have it anyway. Unless, if you're a man.

To the less privileged, celebrity cellulite is rather entertaining news. It makes celebrities and stars more human. Thus, cellulite has become a common and favorite subject matter to the paparazzo. Countless singers, movie stars and celebrities have made it in the headlines thanks to their celebrity cellulite. Big names on the music world such as Britney Spears, Rihanna, Fergie and Jessica Simpson look great on the stage but are unsuccessful in hiding their cellulite from the paparazzi. Movie stars Halle Berry and Goldie Hawn have it. Young stars Hillary Duff, Tara Reid, Sophia Bush and Mischa Barton have it too. Even celebrity cellulite is spotted on designer Donnatella Versace who dressed and clothed many Hollywood stars.

A few bold celebrities stepped up and declared their love for their bodies, celebrity cellulite and all. Despite the apparent visibility of cellulite, it is of no issue to them. Many stars still wear bikinis and shorts to show off their assets. Kelly Clarkson, known for her great voice and tendency into the 'chubby' side, admitted that she does get hurt on how the media picks on her weight. 'Celebrities aren't fem-bots after all, and they do have cellulite!', she said.

After un-retouched photos of Kim Kardashian surfaced on the internet, without the original trims, retouch, and airbrush, she is determined to prove to the public that she loves her body, regardless of what other people think.

Jennifer Love Hewitt, after photos of her in a bikini in Hawaii were attacked because of the visible cellulite, hit back to the public clear and straight: she loves her body, and she was not sorry for herself, but sorry for the rest of the girls who are struggling with self image. Love Hewitt reminded the public that size 2 isn't fat, and cellulite is normal. Cellulite doesn't make celebrities less talented or less beautiful anyway.

Cellulite is a touchy subject for us, but Celebrity Cellulite is a fun and entertaining subject. Is this how we want to think, and feel? Ridicule the stars and pick on celebrity cellulite? No wonder the youth have such low self-esteem and no love for their own bodies. It's high time to realize that perfection in reality doesn't really exist. Cellulite, celebrity or not, is inevitable, for it is a natural part of a female's body.

Justin is a health, beauty, and fashion journalist who writes about the celebrity cellulite pictures and best cellulite removal creams.

Celebrities and Irrelevant News More Important Than the Housing Market Meltdown

Watching the news, it is hard to believe that there is any major problem with the US economy. Or, if there is a problem it is hard to understand why it is more important than the entertainment section or the sport commentary. In fact, I'm finding it more difficult to differentiate between economics, politics, sports, and entertainment in the mainstream media, which has spent the better part of the past year focusing on the potential use of steroids by well-known athletes from track stars to baseball players. The raging foreclosure crisis, a topic with much more personal effects on the average consumer, causing a depression in the real estate market is almost completely ignored.

Why is this? It seems to me that all this focus on irrelevant sports and entertainment is simply part of the public relations plan put on by the government, which spins its wheels investigating worthless events that harm no one but involve celebrities and professional sports players. And from the perspective of the media, consumers and homeowners worried about foreclosure are much less likely to spend their increasingly unstable incomes on the products of advertisers running commercials on the stations. It really is just easier for everyone involved to pretend that problems do not exist.

But the governmental focus on investigating sports and entertainment also helps politicians build themselves up and increase their own celebrity status. By appearing to be investigating important issues like one person taking a substance or not taking a substance, it helps create an aura of higher celebrity around government officials, who are never lacking in ego. It also gives these professional lawyers another forum in which to spout off their opinions of "universal truths" about "The Law," "fairness," "justice," and all the rest.

The pointless inquiries also takes time away that could be used to investigate real potential issues, such as war crimes, financial crimes, economic incompetence, and so on. But all of those, of course, are depressing to most Americans, whereas a daily dose of two-minutes hate against an "overpaid," "arrogant" baseball player instills a healthy amount of fear of and trust in government violence.

The real objective, so far as I can tell, is not even to prevent athletes from shooting up. I think it is a safe bet that many of them are still doing it and will continue to do so. The lesson to be learned here is that, if an athlete is planning on taking steroids, they better do a good job of not getting caught. And if they are unlucky enough to make a name for themselves and get caught, they better not lie to their surrogate parents (the State), or else they can expect a televised dog and pony show to illustrate their humiliation every day by lawyers in Congress who have never played a sport in their lives and have absolutely no idea what they are even talking about (but who are only too happy to take contributions from drug companies and medical interests).

Not to mention the fact that almost no one in Congress (with a few notable exceptions ) has any idea what they are talking about in terms of economics, foreclosures, or foreign policy, either. I think it would be safe to bet that they would not do a better job of investigating those topics than they happen to be doing with steroids, and the results will be just as worthless and irrelevant to the vast majority of homeowners wondering how they will make their mortgage payment next month.

So maybe the best we can hope for from the government is just to keep on investing topics that are wholly irrelevant to most people. Leave the people and the market to work out its own instabilities and get over the current recession with as little interference as possible. But would it be reasonable for the media to focus slightly more on providing homeowners with more important information that they can use to keep on top of their finances and navigate through the housing depression, rather than bombarding the viewer with irrelevant celebrity trials for victimless crimes?

Nick writes for the website, which provides homeowners with foreclosure help and resources they can use to save their homes on their own. Hundreds of pages of information are available, along with descriptions of various methods that can be used to avoid foreclosure, including short sales, loss mitigation, and foreclosure loans, among others. Visit the Foreclosure Fish website today to learn more about the foreclosure process and how to stop it:

Hot Wallpapers of Hollywood Celebrities - Best For Your PC and Mobile

Hot wallpapers of Hollywood celebrities are the best themes for your PC and mobile phones. If you are a fan of actors like Christian Bale, Orlando Bloom, George Clooney, Daniel Craig, Russell Crowe, Tom Cruise, Matt Damon, Johnny Depp, or Leonardo DiCaprio, featuring their images as the wallpaper themes of your devices can enliven your working hours. Some of you may have admiration for Clint Eastwood, Zac Efron, Colin Farrell, Harrison Ford, Jamie Foxx, Mel Gibson, or Jake Gyllenhaal and featuring their pictures in your desktop or your mobile phone screen could unfold scintillating vistas of glorious moments of inspiring memories for you. Hugh Jackman, Ashton Kutcher, Jude Law, Heath Ledger, Matthew McConaughey and Heath Ledger are preferred by many as their celebrities and they feature their images on their gadgets. Again, some others find their favourite Hollywood fans in Matthew McConaughey, Joaquin Phoenix, Brad Pitt, Daniel Radcliffe, Keanu Reeves, Brandon Routh, Will Smith or Denzel Washington.

The hot wallpapers of Hollywood actresses like Jennifer Aniston, Drew Barrymore, Halle Berry, Jessica Biel, Cate Blanchett, or Sandra Bullock you can freely download from many sites and there can be variety in your themes if you change them one after another in every few days. At many sites you can download the very gorgeous and glamorous wallpapers of Cameron Diaz, Hilary Duff, Scarlett Johansson, Angelina Jolie, Nicole Kidman, Lisa Kudrow or Lindsay Lohan. Wallpapers depicting the finer aspects and moments of Alyssa Milano, Julianne Moore or Natalie Portman adorn the desktops and mobile screens of many people across regions and nationalities. Aishwarya Rai, Julia Roberts, Hilary Swank, Naomi Watts or Catherine Zeta-Jones can add much verve and vitality to the daily performance of many modern professionals through their desktop and mobile screens.

Hot wallpapers of Hollywood celebrities are the preferred varieties of wallpapers for the PC and mobile phones of most of those in the younger generation. Though some prefer sports personalities and other celebrities, Hollywood celebrities continue to be the main preferences for most people. Some prefer the wallpapers of celebrity models also. Again yet another class of youngsters prefers the images of their local or regional celebrities like film stars. The quality and tone of images in your wallpapers can very well influence your mood in the positive or negative direction and that in turn can contribute to your performance. This is because our background has a direct influence on our thoughts and imagination. If our background is pleasant and inspiring, that can create positive impulses in our subconscious mind and that will reflect in the quality and nature of our thoughts and actions.

Mark G Brown is a professional author who has written many articles on various topics.To gain any information regarding Gurgaon, Gurgaon Maps, Wallpapers, railway reservation, flower delivery etc. you can log on to

Fat Loss Secrets of Celebrities Revealed

It seems unfair but it looks like a lot of celebrities do have their own secrets to achieve a low body fat percentage and being in good shape. No see it this way when someone has something you don't have you are likely to call it a secret. First of all let me tell you that there are no secrets but I believe that having the right information is one of the key factors to their success and of course time in the gym. Your problem is that you are overwhelmed with information and at least eighty percent of it is not good so even if you take action you are wasting eighty percent of your time and money. In this article we will reveal some fat loss secrets of celebrities but they are just humans like you and me so these tips are working regardless your financial status or the level where you are at
this moment.

Celebrities do not follow a diet.

Perhaps it looks weird to you but celebrities do not follow a conventional diet such as Atkins or a low carb diet. Most people don't know the difference between fat loss and weigh loss if your goal is to lose weight in the shortest time as possible then simply dehydrated yourself. Celebrities do know exactly what to eat and how much to eat. For example and absolutely deadly mix to avoid is the combination of sugar and alcohol.There are some foods that you can eat all the time such as apples, oranges, walnuts and so on

They eat more frequent then you.

If you want to truly want to boost up your metabolism you will have to kill and old habbit that most people do. They only eat three large meals a day also known as breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you want to achieve success you will have to eat more healthier and frequenter. Celebrities know that to get maximum results they have to eat five or six meals in a twenty-four hour period.

Celebrities do spend time in the gym.

A great misunderstanding is that much people believe that celebrities get results from their nutrition alone. Of course this is crucial but you will never get the results like they have if you don't join a fitness club. For example cardio and weight lifting are a great way to burn more calories even when they are at rest. Celebrities know also that you don't have to work harder but smarter to achieve maximum results. Doing cardio in the early morning before breakfast can increase your cardio workouts with 300%.

Taking a breakfast.

Taking a breakfast is essential if you want to lose fat fast. Most people make the mistake that their breakfast is their smallest meal of the day or even worse they skip their breakfast. The opposite is true your breakfast should be your most important meal of the day Here are some breakfast secrets that celebrities use they eat whole grain bread instead of white bread, they drink water instead of sugared fruit juice, they don't add milk or sugar to their coffee, they eat only the white part of their eggs ad so on.

I hope you realize know that celebrities are just humans who need to take action as well. You can spend another few hundred dollars on fat loss pills or diet products without seeing results or you can change your life and starting to live the life you deserve.

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How Celebrities Lose Weight Stunningly Fast - Here Are the Most Little Known Secrets Exposed

Do you find yourself drooling over the fashion magazines' center-fold? It is only natural that you will experience pangs of jealousy and envy when you get a load of those gleaming muscles and abs, or those beautiful slim bikini babes! If you are wondering how in the world these famous models and actors manage to lose weight so fast? These tips will give you an idea!

Hard and fast commitment.
Most if not all actors and celebrities have a solid commitment to their jobs! And no wonder - being among the highest paid in the world they cannot afford to have an extra ounce of fat on their bodies. Moreover they also have a huge fan following which they would lose if they stopped caring about their public image and looks! This is enough motivation to stay in shape!

Personal Goals.
With all the competition in the world, celebrities have to make sure they stay at the top! To win choice roles and top assignments in the modeling world, a model or an actor has to make sure he/she can compete with the very best! They are constantly on their toes and do their best not to be 'pipped at the post' by someone younger and more beautiful! They have goals and do anything to keep them trim and slim.

Personal Trainers.
Most celebrities are in a position to employ personal fitness trainers. These trainers make sure they do their job well - and that is to see that the celebrity does all the exercises in his/her exercise regime. Personal dieticians monitor their diets and help to keep their weight down.

Take supplements.
Because of the demanding schedules celebrities have, they are sometimes forced to take the easy way out and use drugs/supplements/ and other unnatural ways to lose weight. Of course this is not recommended and has to be taken under the strict supervision of a doctor. These pills can make you lose weight but also have side effects.

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Discover Simple Diet Secrets of Celebrities Giving Them a Hot and Sexy Body

Celebrities follow diets which sometimes seem a bit crazy and a bit off the planet, maybe that goes with the territory.

The ones that do hit "diet gold" end up looking hot and sexy for the big screen.

We can learn some of their eating habits, incorporate it into our nutrition plan and make our lives a bit easier by helping us mere mortals to lose body fat.

The basic way to lose weight is to be in calorie deficit.

Duh you say! OK you have heard that 100 times before but the secret to how do it without starving yourself and derailing the get your hot body plan.

The simple secret is: Choose to eat highly dense nutrient foods and get rid of the low quality foods as much as possible.

Some celebrities (or their personal trainers) have worked out the secret and here are examples laid out to understand their eating habits.

The Simple Unprocessed Food Plan:

Blake Lively shaped up for her role in the Green Lantern by dieting heavily on porridge, blueberries, chicken salads and fish.

Sex in the city star Kristen Davis followed a similar idea of chicken, salmon, eggs and salads although she sometimes splurged on M&Ms.

The other natural whole food eater was country star Leann Rimes who also ate porridge with agave nectar, dried cherries and walnuts for breakfast, grill chicken for lunch, trout and spinach for dinner with a treat of dark chocolate.

Summary of foods:

  1. Lean meats,
  2. Plenty of fish,
  3. Vegetables and fruits,
  4. Some small treats like chocolate
  5. Minimise the refined sugar ( this is what makes everyone fat)

Follow this type of eating its very simple and very easy don't waste your time and money on anything else but simple whole foods... might not sound that exciting but that's what works for our human bodies.

A typical celebrity eating week is:

  • Eat 5 days of unprocessed whole foods examples above
  • Eat 5 times a day - Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner as above, plus two snacks should only be fruit, nuts, cottage cheese.
  • On the weekend eat normally but too berserk!

Follow this celebrity formula for eating and watch the weight fall off.

Believe me it works!

This diet is based on doing it right, celebrities do follow crazy diets find out more how to Avoid Dangerous Diets.
I'm interested in finding and providing helpful information on healthy balanced fitness.
Please feel free to visit my holistic blog called ZenMyFitness where it combines Zen, Yoga, Body Building and Nutrition.

Celebrities Choose Hale Bob

Where Hale Bob First Began

The year was 2000. Daniel Bohbot, originally from Morocco but living in Paris, visited Los Angeles for the first time. He'd spent many years working in the fashion industry and soon found himself excited by the original and creative styles of Hollywood stars. They were sexy and glamorous, combining earthy Bohemian looks with more sophisticated pieces. Their ability to put together stylish outfits prompted Bohbot to begin thinking about opening up his own shop of designer women's clothing.

After Bohbot flew back to Paris, he consulted with his brother Marc, the famed founder of Bisou Bisou. Together, the brothers opened Hale Bob in 2001. It was their aim to provide California style to women all over the world. It wasn't long before they decided that Paris was not the place they wanted to stay. The Bohbots moved their operation back to where it all started: Los Angeles.

Hale Bob is a variation on the name of the famed comet. Bohbot chose this name to represent how his clothing would make women feel like they were stars. It was his inspiration for the sexy tops which would become the brand's first offerings. Soon, other nightclub-style garments were added to the label.

Hale Bob Style

It is easy to spot a Hale Bob piece. The style is sexy and chic. The clothing is reminiscent of East Indian scarves with their busy patterns, bright colors, and beading detail. Velvet and silk are the primary fabrics Bohbot uses. In fact, most of his designs are created in some form of rich, soft silk. Not only limited to tops and dresses, the label also includes a variety of footwear that pair perfectly with its clothing.

Sexy, sophisticated, and confident women love these designs. They know that when they don one of these beautifully feminine dresses they will be the center of attention. Looking for the perfect outfit for a night of clubbing or to wear in attendance at that special party? A Hale Bob piece is sure to be noticed and remarked upon.

Any woman who wants to look as a good as a Hollywood star should have no problem finding some must-have pieces from Hale Bob's latest collection. Look fabulous and feel like a celebrity in this feminine, romantic clothing.

Hale Bob clothing can be found at

Celebrities With Eating Disorders

It is bad to see so many celebrities having eating disorders, since so many of them choose not to eat. I have a lot of celebrity friends and they totally agree with me that celebrities are not sending out the right message to young fans and teenagers.

First of all these celebrities start off going out to all hours of the night, drinking every night and partying hard. They have the money so they disrespect everyone around them and party hard all night. But then it catches up with them and down the road they end up with health problems or an eating disorder.

The new skinny image that is being accepted and put on television screens around the world does not help the rising anorexia rates. If anything we should encourage more overweight models because these will simply have a better influence on the youth. Nicole Richie and other big stars such as Keira Knightley have gone through battles with eating disorders, or you can believe their stories about having skinny bones.

One thing is for sure and it is the medias acceptance of skinny people on television and other forms of the media has had a negative impact on celebrities. These celebrities than develop eating disorders for themselves and it sets a bad image for youths. This is why their is rising eating disorder rates. The only solution can be accepting the gorgeous plus size models back on our screens.

We hope everyone experiencing an eating disorder overcomes it. I have had friends with it, i know it is a tough time, pull through it. You can beat it. Good luck on your quests.

I write about all celebrity problems and show you the latest revealing stats on such instances like the one i posted on. Visit Celebrities With Acne! Also view: has some good information on those suffers of acne.

Big Brother All-stars Candidates Released

CBS has announced and posted all 20 potential Big Brother Candidates. The names have been floating around chat forums, blogs, myspace, and fan sites all over the web since the announcement of the show earlier this year. The key for the most of the houseguests? Redemption! Most of the chosen ones made big mistakes somewhere in the game, were stabbed in the back by another player, or just simply played the game wrong.

This guy seems to be the type who always tried to fit in by standing out- His nickname, Chicken, came from his duty to guard the household chicken.

Bunky is the housguest who is known for his crying. He played the "nice guy" card, and we all know nice guys finish last! Bunky spent most of his time in the house crying, while the people around him tried to manipulate him. His best friend in the house, Kent,who first judged him, still remains a close friend to him outside the house. Bunky wants to come back and play the game completely different- and as he says he won't cry too!

"You think its easy being good-looking?" Many fans love this guy- why? Because he knows that bad boys are sexy! He called his game playing ruthless and that he planned to lie from day one. He also claims he pioneered the strategy of being evil. He believes people should vote for him because he has a big ego and he would like to try to mix things up a bit.

"I am the type of guy you want to hang with instead of buying insurance from." Mike boogie was part of the chill town alliance and he states he liked hanging with the 'Bratt pack.' He said his biggest mistake was falling in love with Christa whom he asked to marry on the show, got engaged, and then broke up after the show. He thinks that being 'in love' clouded his judgment and wants to show America how strategic he can be. Good friends with Evil Dr. Will, he is wanting to step from beyond his friends shadow and take the lead.

"It's on" this girl is strong and a true force of female power. She claims she wants to continue to keep it real and for anyone who tries to get in her way to watch out. She even scares me! A true competitor!

Marcellas was always seen looking at himself in admiration and was quoted saying " I love looking at myself." Marcellas is a fan favorite, as since he was evicted he has worked on "House Calls" making comments on all Big Brother houses since his time. Him and Amy were two outcasts that were used to being popular until they entered the big brother house, only to be shunned by all. Marcellas made the mistake of giving up his veto to keep his only friend in the house, in what he refers to as, "a crazy greek tragedy". Marcellas wants to come back into the house to correct his big mistakes.

Lisa- known for her infamous peanut butter bikini- and her quote " I keep my eyes shut and my mouth open," was one loud mouth in Big Brother. She is one of the few winners that will attempt to get back into the Big Brother House. This time she wants to come back and play the game although she won the last won she was in. She is ready to dodge bullets, as a past winner, she has nothing to loose.

People either love to hate me, or hate to love me" a controversial player that will try to return to the show. In tonight's show she reflected in what she called " real and raw" dairy room sessions where she counted down to her victory. She also created a secret alliance with Jason that never uncovered landing them both in the top three. She was so close to winning that the only thing on her mind is "redemption".

Erika was really pumped to enter the house in BB4 until she saw her X boyfriend in the shows ex-factor twist. She would like to enter the house and try to win as one of the "good" guys. In BB4 she created a strong alliance with jack, but that alliance was not good enough. She is ready for anything this time and especially ready to redeem herself.

"I'm soooo pissed off" Dana was known for calling it like it is. She claims her personality is "spicy." She made her biggest mistake early when she switched sides and voted against her alliance only to get voted out in the next round.

"A Girls got to do what a girls got to do"- Alison, the houseguest everybody hated. She started off the show seducing all the boys, and in know time she was hated. She said that manipulating men was a part of her strategy as well as telling people exactly what they wanted to hear. She managed to squeak by and win second place, only to be brutally defeated with a 1: 6 vote loss. She believes that the first looser crap is not good enough for her and is coming back strong with vengeance.

"That was not from Jesus" Full of antics he labeled his BB5 crew, the "Four idiot horseman." Jase was thrown off guard when he was caught calling out other housguests. He was a rat on a sinking ship pretty fast! Jase believes all-stars would not be the same without him. He wants to be back, wearing head-gear... a Born again houseguest.

Michael "cowboy" - The only cowboy on big brother wants to return. He began his reign in the house acting wild but that was suddenly halted when he found out he had a sister and a father, and his sister was in the house with him! His sob story drove him to the end where he just missed the money. He thinks that when you get that close to the money its the hardest to loose it. People stated he rode the coattails to the finals, and he is ready to prove he deserves to be the winner.

Nakomis--Jennifer found out that Michael was her brother on the show. She had her own crafty personality, with new hair styles and poetry. Her passionate tirade against the producers, the series and reality shows in general, made her a memorable player in big brother. She states that her relationship with Michael is on and off again today, and that the most painful memory of her eviction was having the single vote that casted her out come from her brother. She wants to be the snake in the grass in the all stars competition

"When I want something, I get it." Diane is another one who fell in love on Big brother. She became winner Drew's girlfriend where later Drew chose to take cowboy Michael over her to the voting round. She stated that being with him costed her the game, and that nobody will break her down. She is also wants to come back in the name of "redemption!"

Howie made himself known quickly as BUSTO- a man who loves boobies. He was also always trying to be a JEDI and could be seen with his light sabers on several episodes. He had a secret partner Janelle. Howie has made the biggest online appearance creating his own games, starting online chats and promoting his own products. Howie believes "Big brother without Howie is like a day without sunshine." He also believes he was the best looking guy on the show.

Kaysar was the first Muslim on Big Brother, and although an extremely nice guy he was also an outcast. According to him, people thought they could take advantage of him, and that he was evicted way too early. Kasyar, although unpopular on the show has become extremely popular in reality. He appeared on the soap opera "the young and the restless" as well as an appearance in the new show "half and half." He is know for his quote " No, I sealed your partners fate." Kaysar is a hot pick in several big brother fan forums.

"Im going to get Cuban on your ass" She believes that her biggest mistake on the show was choosing the wrong friends and alliances. Often seen on the show as loud and part of the "nerd herd" she wants to ditch those stereotypes and play a different game.

"Veto King" James was not well liked on the show. He claims no one was as feared and as hated as him. He survived because of his ability to capture the most veto's in big brother history. James promises that he will return with the same tenacity as before. James is also a favorite in forums all over the web.

"Bye Bye Bitches!"The most highly quoted, fun loving, big brother candidate. Most houseguests would also love to see her return. Although a Tall foxy blonde, Janelle is know dummy and a strong competitor. She states she will do anything to win...ANYTHING!...

Well what are you waiting for? Vote for your favorites now! Join us at http;//

Do Celebrities Use Toupees

A toupee is considered a hair replacement hairpiece similar to a lace closure but not as small and not as over bearing as a lace wig. They are commonly worn by men to cover a bald spot and celebrities for several reasons. Yes, celebrity men absolutely adore the new innovative naturally appearing toupees. In addition, it is also used for theatrical purposes on actors during a shoot for a TV show or a movie.

Before we begin, it's best to clarify the definition of a celebrity to understand the association. A celebrity is a person who is easily recognized in a society or culture. Being a celebrity is someone who receives media attention and shows an extroverted personality. However, there are various reasons for their popularity and how they became celebrities, whether it is through their profession, appearances in the media or it can be even by struck of luck. Therefore you may come to understand why many of the male celebrities have either grown to enjoy wearing the hairpiece or have chosen to, so that they can maintain that glamorous appearance in the public eye.

The new age toupees are unbelievably undetectable when applied and worn correctly. They seem to be the ideal resolution for men, especially celebrity men experiencing loss of self-esteem as a result of their hair loss condition. If you have any interest on how to spot their hair pieces on celebrities then simply remember these vital characteristics and you will. Those of which are a color mismatch, bad texture, and the appearance of the hairline. A color mismatch is when the color on the top doesn't match the bottom, which probably means that it is a toupee.

A poor hair texture that doesn't seem to be caused by over processing or damaged cuticles could be another sign of a hairpiece. Check the hairlines for signs of hair loss or receding hairline. As you age, your hairline gradually recedes, especially if you consistently change it or have it changed like actors would to successfully play their role. Therefore if their hairline seems to be consistent from their early years till now it's probably safe to say that they have had some sort of hair replacement therapy or they have a hairpiece on.

The bottom line is that you shouldn't feel insecure with wearing a toupee because many individuals, especially celebrities use the unit for fashionable purposes and as a solution for their hair loss condition. Wearing a hairpiece now is as common as dying your hair. is an educated, reputable, stable, honest and sincere company that's looking out for YOUR best interest! It's the responsible thing to do! Protect your investment and yourself. SHOP SMART @! Look and Feel Glamorous with Lace Wigs

How Celebrities Lose Weight Fast! Here Are Some Underground Secrets You Might Not Know

It is amazing how a celebrity can become a whale carrying twins but miraculously days after delivery birth is seen flaunting a marvelously toned body! Or an actor might have packed on quite a few pounds for a film but soon after you find him/her looking just like their old self if not better.

Since they are in the business of good looks celebrities' bank heavily on their outward appearance...after all their body is the means through which they earn their living! So, it's no looks; no money!

That is motivation enough to get back into shape at the earliest no matter what it takes. Also celebrities have a lot of money that helps them get the best qualified assistance to get back into shape and keep them looking good.

Personal trainers...Yup they pay someone to push them: Most celebrities hire a personal trainer who customizes an exercise routine in accordance with their weight loss requirements. These personal trainers are highly qualified and highly paid and work towards monitoring the celebrities' workout regimes and ensure that their client sticks to the exercise plan.

They also help to keep their client motivated and make suitable changes in the exercise programs when their clients' body hits a plateau. The permutation and combination of exercises that they customize for their clients also makes sure that the routine remains fun and enjoyable.

Personal nutritionist...They are told what to eat: Along with personal trainers, celebrities also hire personal nutritionists who design their diet plans. It is with the help of these diet plans that these celebrities manage to lose all the excess weight in a short span of time.

Most of these specialized diet plans involve special meals with ingredients that might not be accessible to the common man. But with money these exotic meals become possible and these meals are also made with the freshest of ingredients. You won't find a celebrity eating out of a can ever!

High motivation...Failure isn't an option: Celebrities are also highly motivated to lose weight and work extremely hard for that. They stay focused on their objective and do not get swayed by temporary weakness such as food cravings no matter how hard the diet or bunking the exercise routine. This helps tremendously in their weight loss objective.

Surgery...The dark side: Celebrities are in a position to afford all sorts of cosmetic surgeries such as tummy tucks, liposuction, body sculpting, breast enlargements etc in order to look perfect. All these surgeries are quite expensive but bear phenomenal results making the person look as good as new post surgery.

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